About Idea Studio Nepal

Idea Studio Nepal (ISN) is a not-for-profit company based on the foundation of knowledge, policy, and practice. It is a platform to turn promising ideas into solutions, ignite social change, and unlock potential in entrepreneurship through innovation. Idea Studio Nepal provides encouragement, resources, space, exposure, learning, networking, and investment opportunities for socially conscious business ideas: from the inception to the launch of the venture. Idea Studio Nepalโ€™s approach is based on core values promoting social innovation, igniting investments, for social justice, through knowledge creation, and eventually restoring human dignity.

Idea Studio Nepal works in close partnership with the government, academia, public and private sector, commercial banks, development partners, media houses, trade & industry organizations, and many other institutions to foster an entrepreneurial ecosystem in Nepal. The partners work together on the principle of the multi-stakeholder approach which provides knowledge, network, technological, and financial support to entrepreneurs to test the business ideas and build business models to launch sustainable eco-friendly social businesses.

The following figure explains the Idea Studio Model where we envision integrating the skills of human capital and talents in the following manner:

  • Perform Skill Set mapping of the participants;
  • Explore Opportunities in the country to create the synergy between their skillset and the opportunity;
  • Culminate the Idea Studio workshop module of design thinking and business development bootcamp to solve the existing gap between the skillset and opportunity through entrepreneurial knowhow and financial access;


Enable the youth of a nation through entrepreneurship and innovation to ignite a social economic change. 


Create innovation startup venture to generate new jobs in the economy and address major social challenges in the society. 

Core Values

Promote social innovation by generating investments for social change ensuring social justice by creating knowledge for sustainability and to restore human dignity for all.

Idea Studio Nepal is a platform to turn promising ideas into solutions and ultimately ignite social change and unlock potential in favor of entrepreneurship through innovation.



District Reached
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Ideas Collected
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Ideas Incubated
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Startups Running

All ยฉ 2023 reserved by Idea Studio Nepal.

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