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CNI to promote public’s infra development ideas in summit

HIMALAYAN NEWS SERVICE Kathmandu, February 15 Along with the project bank developed by Investment Board Nepal (IBN) comprising 50 viable infrastructure projects, the Confederation of Nepalese Industries (CNI) is also promoting among investors 10 different ideas gathered from the general public during the Nepal Infrastructure Summit, which is scheduled for Sunday and Monday next week. CNI had highlighted these 10 ideas to Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of the Legislature-Parliament today. Such ideas include developing Rara Lake as a tourism hub by constructing needful infrastructure, connecting different parts of Himalayan districts via ropeways, developing monorail in the capital, developing the Great Himalaya Trail as one of best trekking routes, promoting sustainable farming through the use of information and technology (IT), and introducing different means of mass transportation in the capital and other cities, among others. The CNI had launched a campaign entitled ‘Infrastructure Idea Hunt’ in collaboration with Idea Studio Nepal with an objective to increase public’s participation in identifying problems in the tepid infrastructural development of Nepal and solutions to address infrastructure deficits in the country. CNI also informed that top three ideas out of the 10 ideas gathered will be awarded during the summit. “Lack of enough investment in the country’s infrastructure sector is the major setback for infrastructure development in Nepal. The annual budget allocated by the government for the development of infrastructure is not enough,” said Bishnu Agrawal, vice-president of CNI, adding that the private sector should be welcomed in infrastructural development process of the country to ensure that Nepal develops good infrastructure.