
यी आइडिया, जसले घरमै बसेर बनाउनेछन् लखपति | News Feature by Shilapatra | March 19, 2020

सम्झना घिमिरे | काठमाडाैं, ६ चैत ‘नेपालमा पढ्न मन नै लाग्दैन । पढेर के गर्ने ? नेपालमा भविष्य नै छैन । पढ्न त पढ्ने तर व्यवसायी, उद्यमी हुन लगानी नै छैन । वातावरण पनि छैन । बैंकहरूबाट कर्जा लिएर गरौँ भने योजनालाई पत्याउँदैन । योजनालाई साकार पार्न पैसा छैन । गर्ने के त ?’ अधिकांश नेपाली युवाको समस्या हो यो । युवाहरू जो आफ्नै बलबुतामा नयाँ कामका साथ समाज बदल्ने सपना देख्छन्, त्यो सपनालाई यथार्थमा परिणत गर्न विगत ६ वर्षदेखि आइडिया स्टुडियोले नवीनतम सोच र ऊर्जालाई मिसाएर बलियो घर बनाइदिँदै आएको छ । त्यो घर तपाईं बस्ने सामान्य इँटा वा माटोको नभएर तपाईंको सोचको घर हो । नयाँ ऊर्जा र दूरदर्शी सोचहरूमा आधारित विजेनस योजना लिएर आउने र उद्यमी बन्न चाहने व्यक्तिहरूलाई उद्यमीतर्फको बाटो तय गरिदिन्छ आइडिया स्टुडियोले । आइडिया स्टुडियो सिजन ४ को पाँचौँ शृङ्खलामा आइपुगेका छन् ६ जना प्रतिस्पर्धी । ‘डिल राउण्ड’ नाम दिइएको यस शृङ्खलामा प्रत्येक युवाहरूले आफ्नो सिर्जना र त्यसलाई साकार पार्ने योजना प्रस्तुत गर्छन् । तीमध्येबाट एक प्रतिस्पर्धी छानिएर डिल राउण्डको विजेता बन्छन् । विजेताले आइडिया स्टुडियोबाट ५ लाख रुपैयाँ नगद पुस्कार पाउँछन् । २ हप्ता विजनेस कसरी गर्ने ? रिर्सच कसरी गर्ने ? अनि योजनालाई उद्योगको रूप कसरी दिने ? भनेर आइडिया स्टुडियोको तालिममा सहभागी भएर आफ्ना आइडियाले सार्थकता पाएको सपना देख्दै डिल राउण्डमा आइपुगेका छन् ६ जना आइडिया किङ । ६ जनामध्ये यो सृङखलामा ५ जनाका आइडिया प्रस्तुत गरेका छौं, जसले आफ्नो सोच बदलेर समाज बदल्न प्रेरित गर्दैछन् । फोहोर होइन, मोहोर हो नफालौँ जोसेफ श्रेष्ठ जोसेफसँग गज्जबको आइडिया छ– देशलाई सफा राख्दै नयाँ र पृथक रोजगारी सिर्जना गर्ने । अचम्ममा नपर्नुहोस् । देशलाई सफा राख्ने हामी सबैको कर्तव्य हो तर के हामीले त्यो कर्तव्य पुरा गरेका छौँ त ? छैनौँ भने सोच्नुहोस् है ! फोहोरलाई मोहोर बनाउँदै देशको सेवा पनि गर्न सकिन्छ अनि पैसा कमाउन पनि । श्रेष्ठले गज्जबको मेसिन बनाएका छन्, जसको नाम हो– रिजर्भ भेन्डिङ मेसिन । यसले बजारमा हुने प्लास्टिकजन्य सामग्रीलाई थुपारेर आफैँ फोहोर लैजान आग्रह गर्छ । तपाईंले देख्नुभएको होला, ‘फोहोर मलाई’ लेखिएका डस्टबिनहरू सडक, पार्क छेवैमा । हामी त्यसैमा फोहोर फालेर हिँड्छौँ । तपाईंलाई थाहा छ । हामीले फालेका तिनै फोहोरबाट मोहोर निकाल्ने गर्छन् श्रेष्ठ । वास्तवमा श्रेष्ठको मेसिनले तपाईं हामीले प्रयोग गरेका प्लास्टिकजन्य सामग्री सङ्ग्रह गर्छ । त्यसका लागि यसलाई सडक, पार्क, अस्पताल, रेस्टुरेन्ट जस्ता स्थानमा राखिन्छ । भरिएपछि मेसिनकै मद्दतले सङ्कलनकर्तालाई अटोमेटिक सूचना जान्छ । सूचना पाएसँगै सङ्कलनकर्ता आएर ती फोहोरलाई मोहोरको रूप दिन थाल्छन् ।     मोहोरका रूपमा निस्कन्छन् गमला, कभर व्लक र टायल, जसलाई बजारमा तँछाडमछाड गर्दै ग्राहकले १ सयदेखि १ हजार रुपैयाँसम्म हालेर खरिद गर्छन् । अनि भएन त फोहोरबाट मोहोर ?       पीडा र त्रासमा उब्जिएको सिर्जना विधि मण्डल भूकम्पको अनुभवले तपाईं हामीलाई अझै तर्साउँँछ । घरिघरि त फेरि आउँछ कि भन्ने चिन्ताले पनि पिरोल्छ होला । हुन पनि हामीसँग भूकम्पको तीतो अनि नमीठो अनुभव छ । तपाईं हामी कतिले आफन्तलाई पनि गुमायौँ भूकम्पमा । भूकम्पले दिएको चोट र दुःखबाटै पेलिएर निस्किएको नयाँ सिर्जनालाई लिएर आएकी छन् विधि मण्डल । मण्डल पनि २०७२ वैशाखको विनाशकारी भूकम्प जाँदा काठमाडौंमै भाडामा बस्थिन् । भूकम्पले चिराचिरा पा¥यो उनको घर पनि । हेर्दै उराठ लाग्ने गरी । कोठा सरौँ, काठमाडौंमा कोठा पाउनै मुस्किल, चिराचिरा परेको घरलाई बस्नयोग्य बनाउन घरधनीलाई आग्रह गर्दा उल्टै नमीठो जवाफ पाइन् । तिनै नमीठा याद र अनुभवलाई सँगाल्दासँगाल्दै नयाँ सपना साँच्न थालिन् विधि । उनको सपना थियो– भूकम्प प्रतिरोधी घर बनाउने, धनीलाई पनि हुने, गरिबलाई पनि । उनले जताततै शहर नै प्रदूषित हुने गरी फालिएका प्लास्टिकलाई राम्रो र भरपर्दोका साथै दह्रो इँटा बनाउन सकिन्छ भन्दै खोजी गर्न थालिन् । ‘खोज्दा भगवान् त भेटिन्छ’ भन्ने नेपाली उखान छ । उनले योजना खोज्दै थिइन् । नपाउने त कुरै भएन । काठमाडौंमा दैनिक ८२.५ मेट्रिक टन प्लास्टिक उत्पादन हुने भएपछि प्लास्टिकबाट इँटा बनाउन सकिन्छ कि सकिँदैन भनेर अध्ययन गर्न थालिन् । उनले गरिबीकै कारण भग्नावशेष घरहरूमा बस्न बाध्य मानिसका लगि ‘आवास’ नामक योजना ल्याएकी छन् । प्लास्टिक र केमिकल प्रयोग गरेर बनाइएको इँटा अन्य इँटाभन्दा २ रुपैयाँ कमी हुने भएकाले त्यस्ता मानिसलाई लाभ हुने उनको भनाइ छ । यसरी बनाइएको इँटा अन्य इँटाको तुलनामा बढी बलियो हुने उनको दाबी छ । उनी सामन्य घर बनाउनभन्दा यस इँटाले बनाउने घरमा ७ लाखदेखि १२ लाख रुपैयाँमै घर बनाउन सकिन्छ । यो सामान्य इँटाबाट बनाउने घरभन्दा १० देखि १२ लाख रुपैयाँसम्म सस्तो पर्ने उनको भनाइ छ । यसबाट समय पनि बचत हुनेछ । एक तल्ला घर बनाउन मात्र अढाइ महिना लाग्ने मण्डलको दाबी छ । उनी भन्छिन्, ‘हामी आवास हौँ, जसले आजको वेसलाई भोलिको फाउन्डेसन बनाउन काम गर्छौं ।’ बाँसबाट व्यवसाय अंशु प्रधान बेत र बाँस हामी सबैले देखिरहेका हुन् । हेर्दा समान्य लागे पनि बेत र बाँसबाट भने सुन्दर सामग्रीहरू बनाउन सकिने योजनाका साथ आइडिया स्टुडियोमा आएकी छन्, अंशु प्रधान । अंशु प्रधान अर्थात् सिस्टर्स इन्टरप्राइजेजकी निर्देशक हुन्, जो मौलिक ह्याण्डिक्राफ्टहरू उत्पादन गरेर पर्यटकहरूलाई लोभ्याउने गर्छिन् । उनको फ्याक्ट्रीबाट उत्पादन हुने वस्तुहरूले जोसुकैलाई पनि लोभ्याउन सक्छन् । बेत र बाँसको घरेलु प्रयोगबाट उनी ठूलाठूला रेस्टुराँहरूलाई चाहिने समानहरू बनाउँछिन् ।सानासाना सामानहरूमा ‘कल्चरल आर्ट’ झल्काउने सामग्री उत्पादन गर्ने उनी विदेशमा नेपालीहरू माझ लोकप्रिय बन्दै गइन् । बेस्ट सेल अवार्ड र बेस्ट ह्याण्डिक्राफ्ट अवार्डबाट सम्मानित प्रधान अहिले ४ लाख २३ हजार रुपैयाँसम्मको मासिक व्यापार हुने गरेको बताउँछिन् । ‘वार्षिक ५० लाख रुपैयाँको कारोबार गर्छु, त्यसमा मार्जिन २८.८ प्रतिशत छ र मासिक फाइदा ९२ हजार रुपैयाँ छ । अहिले बेतमा काम गर्ने मानिसको अभाव भएकाले भारतबाट कर्मचारी ल्याउनुपर्ने बाध्यता छ’, उनी भन्छिन्, ‘लगानी अझै बढाउन सके नेपालमै त्यस्ता व्यक्तिहरूलाई तालिम दिएर दक्ष बनाउन सकिन्थ्यो ।’ यसरी भारतबाट काम गर्ने जनशक्ति ल्याएर नेपालमा उत्पादन गर्न महँगो पर्ने गरेको थियो । यसले गर्दा कसरी पैसाको व्यवस्थापन गर्दै व्यवसायलाई उद्योगको रूप दिने भन्ने हेतुले ‘बेम्बो प्रोडक्ट’ नामक योजना लिएर लिएर आइडिया स्टुडियो आइन् । उनको नयाँ ऊर्जा र नयाँ सोचलाई स्टुडियोले नमान्ने त कुरै भएन । उनी बजारमा बाँस र बेतबाट बनेका समानहरू माग बढ्दै गएको र यसलाई उद्यमको रूपमा विकास गर्ने हो भने आफू मात्र नभएर मुलुक नै सक्षम हुने बताउँछिन् ।  उनी नेपालमै रोजगारी सिर्जना गरौँ भनेर तालिम पनि दिँदै आएकी छन् । अब भने उनी बेत र बाँस नभएर बाँसमा मात्र केन्द्रित हुने बताउँछिन् । उनी भन्छिन्, ‘एकतिर मात्र फोकस हुनुपर्ने रहेछ । अनुभवले सिकायो, अब भने बाँसबाट मात्र बन्ने सामानहरू उत्पादन गर्छु । बजारमा अर्डर

Idea Impact Investment Fund

Idea Impact Investment Fund Nepal was launched on March 24, 2019 at the Gala event of Season 3 to support social businesses primarily associated with Idea Studio. One of the biggest hindrances for their sustenance in Nepal was lack of investment fund for start-ups and business with wider-good with clear commercial return of investment to scale-up. Therefore, the Investment Fund was established to promote and foster socially innovative ideas/business/ projects from startup to small-to-medium-sized and even large scale business in Nepal with strong growth and impact potential and to flourish comprehensive ecosystem of entrepreneurship. The pool fund from various national and international investors/co-investors are encouraged to achieve Idea Studio Nepal’s main objective of impact investment.  During Season 3, three promising startups, in the categories of Made in Nepal, High Flying, Social Impact were awarded with NRs 5,00,000 each as seed investments. This year the tradition shall continue with an additional support from World Wildlife Fund Nepal  (WWF Nepal). The fourth award is Greenovation, which will be presented to the start up that is promising in terms of contributing towards promoting green business through its enterprise. Other than these, the fund or investment will be given to the businesses depending upon their performance.

ISN-NYC creating entrepreneurial ecosystem

Idea Studio Nepal (ISN) and National Youth Council (NYC) come together to create an entrepreneurial ecosystem in seven provinces of Nepal. Both the organisations have signed a MoU to work towards establishing an entrepreneurial ecosystem. The plan is to establish and operationalize the Youth Innovation Center in each province in the next 10 years. The Center will be a space for incubation and innovation for youths of the respective province with investment opportunities. The incubation will prepare youths to steer entrepreneurship in a systematic approach and help commercialize their products as per the demand of the market. ISN is the official technical partner for incubation for the project. The aim is to bring out the innovative minds to create larger impact in society through entrepreneurship. The motive is to give support to youths who aspire to become entrepreneurs.  

One day Workshop on Creation of Innovative Businesses

One day workshop on Creation of Innovative Businesses was organized on December 25, 2019 at Idea Studio Nepal Office facilitated by Asst. Prof Rupesh Krishna Shrestha, Kathmandu University and Director and Co-founder of Idea Studio Nepal. The workshop was especially organized for entrepreneurs from National Innovation Center (NIC) and National Youth Council (NYC) to help them in their entrepreneurial journey. The highlight of the workshop was how entrepreneurs should think and do things differently. The main learning of the workshop was that starting any business is not about oneself but about how customers think. The design thinking session was an activity based session where participants were divided in pairs and had to design a product as per the partners requirement. The workshop focused largely on the importance of research and involving customers in the design thinking process. The participants of the workshop mentioned how the design thinking session made them realize where to start from when starting their design process. This research made it easier for them to design products as per the customers requirement and make less mistakes.

Eritrea team visit to ISN

Idea Studio Nepal (ISN) with the National Union of Eritrean Youth and Students (NUEYS) are working together to launch Idea Studio model in Eritrea. Rupesh Krishna Shrestha, Director and Co-Founder of Idea Studio Nepal visited Eritrea in the beginning of 2019 to present the Idea Studio model to the government officials of Eritrea and get their buy in into the model. The second trip was to run a five days workshop on the Idea Studio curriculum. In this regard a team from NUEYS and the government officials of Eritrea visited ISN for a week to learn its operations. The aim was to provide experience and insight of ISN concept to the Eritrea team. The main objective of the visit was to understand the initiation, operationalization and sustainability of the ISN and provide an insight into the management and resources requirement to launch Idea Studio Eritrea.   The outcome of the visit will guide NUEYS to operationalize Idea Studio Eritrea, to engage youth and nurture and strengthen their creativity. Further, it will have a significant impact in their creative thinking, exploring livelihood opportunities, strengthening entrepreneurship and informed engagement in Eritrea’s socio-economic development by engaging and mobilizing youth.

Season 4 journey to success

Idea Studio Season 4 सोचदेखी उध्योगसम्म officially commenced on August 18, 2019 through a press meet in the presence of different media. With new collaboration with WWF Nepal as the Eco Impact Partner there is an additional winner category under the title Greenovation. Seven new PSAs was launched introducing four new goodwill ambassadors — Captain Vijaya Lama, Anupamai Kunjeli- CEO of Mega Bank Nepal Limited, Prakash Saput – Singer and Malvika Subba- Media Personality followed by success stories PSA of former ideators.   The idea calling application opened nationwide from the press meet with promotions via radio channels, national television, digital and print media. More than 400 applications applied from 46 districts of Nepal. Idea Studio Nepal board, business experts, banking partners, and collaboration partner screened the pool of submitted ideas and shortlisted 82 ideas for live audition. The selected applicants pitched their ideas to the panel of judges (experts from different sectors) at Idea Studio Nepal office. Evaluating the audition and scoring and after much deliberation judges selected Top 31 ideators for a month long incubation.   The incubation was intensive programme that was held in November. The experiential lab- based learning focused on developing entrepreneurial skills and an entrepreneurial mindset. The ideators were engaged in a rigorous 10 days boot camp where design thinking activities and interaction sessions with experts from different fields such as legal compliance, taxation and audit, leadership, IT, trade and promotion, marketing among others. Through the boot camp the ideators enhanced their business knowledge and learned research, analytical and decision-making skills. During the incubation month the ideators also participated in a 3-day workshop by Building University Capacity to Support Business Incubation in Nepal (BUCSBIN). This is a Finnish model with focus on experiential learning in areas such as creative problem solving, concept development, internationality and entrepreneurial thinking. One to one mentorship was also conducted for the ideators to address and enhance their ideas and business plans. Mentorship and guidance being a crucial part in an entrepreneurial journey the mentorship session continues even after incubation. Idea Studio Nepal believes in fostering the entrepreneurial ecosystem, for this continuous support will be provided to all the ideators. The door is always open to ideators who seek help.  

ISN-NIC join hands to foster innovative entrepreneurial ecosystem

Collaboration is the key to create an entrepreneurial ecosystem. Every stakeholder through this ecosystem will foster in Nepal. One of such collaborations is between Idea Studio Nepal and National Innovation Centre (Rastriya Aviskar Kendra). The aim is to create unique models to retain, nurture, and promote Nepal’s efficient human capital. This is designed to leverage their considerable intellect, creativity, and talent, and to foster the country’s social and economic growth. This partnership will also develop mutual cooperation in knowledge generating research activities and business incubation services and training related to entrepreneurship and innovation. On the basis of this, National Innovation Center will recommend three ideas that will get direct entry to Idea Studio Season 5. The ideas will be selected after a meticulous process.  

Collaboration between ISN and MBNL

Idea Studio Nepal (ISN) and Mega Bank Nepal Limited (MBNL) have collaborated for two years with an agreement from September 22, 2019 to September 21, 2021. This collaboration is to promote women entrepreneurs and SMEs through access to entrepreneurial skills, knowledge, and finance.   The intent of this partnership is to use the knowledge, resources and networks of both organizations efficiently and effectively to encourage, promote and establish innovation and sustainable business in Nepal in order to contribute to sustainable development in the country. This will facilitate to foster entrepreneurship ecosystem among the stakeholders, especially women, collaborate in creating curriculum and research in the field of entrepreneurship in Nepal. As a Banking Brand Champion MBNL will provide loan to the women entrepreneurs with or without collateral at subsidized interest rate, financial literacy, support knowledge creation and research in the field of banking and women in business among others.

College Idea Hunt, I Have An Idea Event was a huge success

College Idea Hunt 2019 was introduced to enable the college students towards entrepreneurship. College Idea Hunt is a preliminary round event of the grand event I Have an Idea 2019. Both the events are preliminary rounds of Idea Studio Season 4. The prep began with college activation through presentation in more than 100 colleges located in Kathmandu Valley. The details included an introduction of program, the process, benefits, eligibility, evaluation criteria, prizes, and the submission of ideas (contact information) et cetera. This time green entrepreneurship was introduced to the students and were encouraged to submit ideas related to that. More than 1,800 students of varied faculties were reached.     More than 100 ideas were submitted and shortlisting was in two phases. Sixty ideas were shortlisted first. They submitted two minutes videos as part of shortlisting. Total 10 ideas were selected for the I Have An Idea 2019 event. The ideas ranged from green business to social enterprise to service to technology. Experts groomed these Top 10 ideas for the final event with five days incubation at Idea Studio Nepal office.     On September 16, 2019 I have an Idea event was held at Rastriya Sabha Griha. More than 300 audiences witnessed the event along with colleges, media and some known personalities. Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju Shrestha MD, Vice Chancellor Kathmandu University chaired the Event. Prof. Dr Bhagawan Koirala, Shrinkhala Khatiwada-Miss Nepal World 2018, and Sujeet Regmi- Co-founder of Sajilo Marmat Sewa were the guest speakers at the event. Sajilo Marmat Sewa was one of the winners of College Idea Hunt 2016. The Top ideas pithed their ideas in front of a panel of judges— Sanjib Subba, CEO National Banking Institute, Santosh Mani Nepal, Senior Director Policy and Governance, WWF Nepal, Anupama Khunjeli, CEO Mega Bank Nepal Ltd., and Kawish Bhakta Shrestha, Co-founder Sajilo Marmat Sewa. After much deliberation Top 3 winners (Joseph Shreshtha (Reverse Vending Machine: फोहोर दिनुस मोहोरलिनुस, सव्य बनौ बनाऊ), Anshu Pradhan (Sister’s Enterprises), and Rupesh Duwal (Tetra Pak Recycling) were selected and awarded with NRs 1,00,000 each. Along with the award money, Top 3 winners got direct entry in the month-long incubation, an opportunity to pitch their ideas in the national television show Idea Studio Season 4 and unconditional support of Idea Studio Nepal.  

idea studio nepal logo

A nudge required for enterprises.

Music Securities is a registered financial services agency of Japan and it launched an impact investment platform called Securite in 2008. The reason was to integrate several services and categories into one web based platform that would support to manage account and customer information in one system. This was extended business opportunities for wide range of industries and customers. It generates funds for businesses of different sectors from music, restaurants, agriculture, IT, sports, energy, manufacturing et cetera.   Idea Studio Nepal (ISN) on the other hand is working towards establishing entrepreneurship ecosystem in Nepal since 2014. One of the essential components for this is financial support to entrepreneurs. In this endeavour Music Securities and ISN collaborated to originate fund for enterprises on July 17, 2019. This is another milestone for ISN.   In 2018 ISN had announced launch of Idea Impact Fund and in 2019 it got closer to fulfilling its commitment. This year the deserving enterprises will receive benefits due to this collaboration.

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